I just started my adventures in skydiving, and am pursuing my license thru skydive kansas. I am very lucky to have found such a great dz with extremely easy-going staff, and reg upjumpers who love answering questions about almost anything. I don't feel like an outsider, and EVERYONE is respectable and kind to each other which is awesome! Since I am new, I didn't know that the landing area at sdks was (considered by many in the sport) very narrow and short, but I think that only makes me to be more accurate. I landed my own canopy on my first AFF with no problems, so I have confidence anyone can do it! I will admit, this was not my first DZ, but the first DZ I went to (I will not name) ignored me, and I sat by myself, in their hangar, twiddling my thumbs. No one said hi, and eventually I left just as I came; unnoticed and unimportant to them. I am really glad I found SDKS... now it's like my weekend family/home!