I have reserve pilotchutes with bridles and freebags for almost any size of: Micron / Vector 3 / Sigma (price of $99 includes the whole set of parts: reserve pilotchute with bridle and freebag). These are all ORIGINAL manufacturer parts!
Not compatible with Skyhook. No life-limit on these parts set by the FAA or by the manufacturer. Age does NOT weaken fabric or lines, everything OK with it. Obviously they all have a FAA TSO certificate.
Airworthy and in great shape! Estimated repacks on these parts: 20, estimated jumps: 2. FULL REFUND, including ALL shipping costs both ways, available if you or your rigger does not like the parts for ANY reason!
Photo attached, disable AdBlock and refresh the page if you cannot see it.
Low cost tracked AIR shipping! (approx $25). I ship world-wide. Takes approx 15 calendar days world-wide.
I am reputable Dropzone.com user with over 3000 posts in the last 20 years. Sale references available, your choice of payment method!
Please contact me with the form below (logon first). Only if you get a bounceback, please email me at: SKYDIVER.FLY123456@GMAIL.COM with the ad URL copied into the email body.
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