The ASTRA Automatic Activation Device is a computer controlled electronic altimeter that determines the rate of descent and the altitude above ground level (AGL) and fires a locking-loop cutter if an unsafe condition is detected. FXC designed the Astra for external mounting. This high visibility allows for easy "Gear check" on the Astra's operational status and is therefore a significant improvement to safety.
FXC Corporation is the industry leader of Automatic Ripcord Releases, supplying in excess of 80,000 units to Armed Forces all over the world. The Model 12000 design reflects an accumulation of over 20 years of research and development of personnel safety equipments. The Model 12000 is the most advanced state-of-the-art Mechanical Automatic Parachute Ripcord Release. It has been specifically designed as an emergency safety device for parachutists making premeditated parachute jumps.