I'm new in this sport and I want to have a canopy for beginners ;-) - it shall be my first own canopy - so it has to be user-friendly. I'm looking for a canopy I can concentrate on. Last year I landed a little bit hard on my botty in my first jumps and got a disc prolapse (with a Navigator). That's why I'm looking for a canopy with soft und smooth openings and soft, calm landings. I'm not interested and I know that I never will be interested to get lot of speed or do swoop. I'd like to do Freefly in the air, maybe in combination with a little bit Freestyle. And I like cross-country flying. The canopy shall bring me safely to the ground - "trouble-free" and with good stability
That's why I think the triathlon and the spectre (220 or 210) are the canopys for my interests (My wight: 74 Kg = 163 ilb). Like a lot of other beginner-women I have problems to see, when it is the right moment to flare (I learned 2-stage-flare: half and than full) - especially in no wind conditution. So I often flare to high or to low. I'm not interested in downsizing and get speed. I want a save canopy to fly for lots of years.
I love the slow demonstration-landings...
What do you think, which canopy is better for me? What are the advantages und disadvantages of both canopies?