Paraglider direct bags???

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I am looking to make a direct bag system for my paraglider. I need info on how they are made and how the paraglider is packed into it. I would also like to be able to use this system stactic line style out of a plane. If anyone could share some knoledge that would be great.
Skydiving is borring!!

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Dave Prentice makes them (google him), and I think Chris Santa does too... or can get them.

Packing... well, I'll let you work that out with who ever you buy one from, but suffice it to say, that if you are competant with parachute packing it won't be hard.

Be aware, that small to BIG cravats are a COMMON result of D-bagging, and line-overs a slightly less common result.

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i have done it, and built my own Dbag for my wings.

I Dbagged a paraglider from 18,000', originaly from an otter just yesterday.

PS-I did not get any cravats, I was slow on the breaks for one, and the wingtips kissed eachother, thats it.

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Davey Prentice is the only guy I know of here in the USA that builds PG D-Bags and also teaches PG D-Bag FJC's. Prentice on the web: www.earthcog.com

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