
How nice are the guys over at L & B

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They have a customer service in Florida.


Just be honest. Abuse of the old riser story is why they discontinued free replacements in the first place.

Most repairs are about $35.00. In this case, I'm not sure what they will do. Besides laugh I mean.

Peace and Blue Skies!
Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!

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If I worked for them and it was presented as the original post was, Id find a way to appease the situation just because of the presentation... then again any business id have id go broke cause id do that to often...

Dont be to hard on the suspect, Im sure it wasnt as much fun as it appears. He is to adorable to stay mad at
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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He should be thankful that 'riser' didn't swallow it. It'd be an far less pleasant picture.

It would probably end up with a cone around 'riser's' head, a shaved belly and a scar.
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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Just be honest. Abuse of the old riser story is why they discontinued free replacements in the first place.

True enough, but their lousy metal bracket that was not a robust design was likely the reason why they had to start the free replacements.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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It makes a constant quiet wirring type sound. Doesn't beep or respond to the buttons at all.

I emailed them in the same fashion as I started this post and sent the pics along with it. Mads responded in less than an hour and must have gotten a kick out of it cause he's going to sell me one at cost. L & B have gone out of their way to help me out and I will always be a loyal customer because of this. Thanks.

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Ok thanks, now I have soda all over my keyboard [:/] Sorry dude but that is some funny shit! :D We have Dobermans and after one of them ate a tv remote and a travel alarm we have learned to keep our expensive toys put away. Glad to hear you're getting a replacement at cost. B|

Old age ain't no place for sissies!

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Ok thanks, now I have soda all over my keyboard [:/] Sorry dude but that is some funny shit! :D We have Dobermans and after one of them ate a tv remote and a travel alarm we have learned to keep our expensive toys put away. Glad to hear you're getting a replacement at cost. B|

Haha, he also ate my playstation2 controller at a ripe 12 weeks old....he's a little bastard at times but I love him.

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Ok thanks, now I have soda all over my keyboard [:/] Sorry dude but that is some funny shit! :D We have Dobermans and after one of them ate a tv remote and a travel alarm we have learned to keep our expensive toys put away. Glad to hear you're getting a replacement at cost. B|

Haha, he also ate my playstation2 controller at a ripe 12 weeks old....he's a little bastard at times but I love him.

One of my dogs ate my team Flite Suit a couple of years ago, boy was I pissed!!!! Still have the dog though, she has been through behaviour modification training.


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