
Question for european freefly folks....

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What is, in your opinion, the best and most advanced freefly dropzone in europe? I know this is a very difficult/vague question, but it's just an opinion thread. State where and why. B|

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D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
The wiser wolf prevails.

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To have an opinion thread , you need replies from guys who jumped everywhere...
I didn't jump everywhere, but had good echoes from some places...
-Empuriabrava : homebase of Babylon
-Lapalisse : homebase of Frick Atmonauti, and many nice boogies going on there
-Grenchen (Switz) : homebase of Rastafly, and the FreeFly Festival www.rastafly.ch the site is in german, but the FFF is a really nice event. The general level is quite high in FF and RW, they coach and teach a lot.
-Locarno : this is where Tazio operates, www.xlr-8.ch and the only DZ open every day in Switzerland

Now, these might not be the best places (although 2 of them are some of the most active DZ's in Europe), but still a good choice for FF (or any other form of skydiving). Some other places might be very good choices, I heard Lillo in Spain is going to rock, Pujaut in France where the atmosphere is soooo nice, my DZ www.epco.aero where the Piis family is www.piis.ch and where the Pure Need (Swiss FF champions 2002) jump.
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uhh I'd like to know about that too.
And also where is the biggest FreeFly boogie/festival in Europe. :)

Swedish Freeflai? (not one this year.....waaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!! :()

Wrong Way
D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
The wiser wolf prevails.

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Empuria has a pretty good FF scene, largely due to Babylon being based there.

Vichy has a pretty good FF attendance in terms of a boogie, they normally have pretty good FF organisers, and their plane rocks.

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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Thats good news Jarno, is there a calendar of events anywhere for Texel?

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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Thats good news Jarno, is there a calendar of events anywhere for Texel?

I know there's a freefly boogie there with Flyboyz, Babylon and Frick Atmonauti from 23.-25. of July which sounds quite tempting.:)http://www.atmonauti.com).

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Just an opinion again - the Swedish Friflaj festival last year (?) was indeed the last one but there is a Hercules Boogie this year which is pretty big, although I don't know how much of it is FF and how much is FS...

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but there is a Hercules Boogie this year which is pretty big, although I don't know how much of it is FF and how much is FS...

Hmm too late. No more places at hercules boogie.

There is also espace boogie (france). But that's boogie for all disciplines.
I'm more interested in FreeFly only boogies (something like sweedish freefly festival - used to be [:/])
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ya know ive sepnt about 6 months in total now in empuria and i honestly think that lapalisse is the best place ive seen in europe,

constant loads, lots of very good flyers with really good attitudes doing really interesting stuff
empuria, well babylon really doesnt do too much beyond coaching, doesnt organise and the tickets are very good value for money
dont get me wrong, i resent the french, but you've gotta hand it to them, they've got an awesome set up in lapalisse, one of the best ever

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