
Cheapest Jump tickets around the world

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Hi all,

I'm wondering where in the world one can get the cheapest jump tickets for jumps 11K and over. So far I've gone to:
Venezuela, $18 to 13K, and cheaper if you buy packs.

Read about Aerograd Kolomna, Russia:
350 Russian rubles = 14.33 U.S. dollars to 13.5K, but haven't actually gone there, so I can't confirm the info they posted on the Dropzones section is right.

Any other cheap jump tickets?


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yup, Lodi in the states has been talked about. great price. How about around the world? Anyone been to Russia? Kiwi's posted something, but it's more of an AFF deal... not really cheap jump tickets. Wouldn't it be great to ind a place in the world you've never been to, do 100 jumps and have the jump ticket price differnce alone pay for the airline ticket?


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i have been in aerogard kolomna (russia) 3 times
it's one of the best dz in the world
if you arrive as group of 4 way you be able to get one jump ticket for 13 +- $
but you need to buy 50 tickets*5 package
& it's easy o finish the jumps very fast
it's very recommended!!!


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it all seem like a nice deals,,,but you should check this:


I dont know if I am wrong, or this is a mistake but according to this:
a ticket for 13000ft is 7$ at kasimovo,
and 12000ft is 10$ at Sky Roads - Samara

It also sounds impossible to me, so correct me if i m wrong.

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Well if you travel internationally you have to understand those cheap (or not so cheap) prices have to do with the exchange rate. In Cambodia I got 7000 Cambodian Rials to one US dollar. In Jordan, on the other hand, I only got .48 Jordanian Dollars to one US dollar. In Afghanistan I got 50 Afghanis for one US dollar.
So, US$7.00 for that jump ticket in Kasimovo might be equal to $20 or $30 (or more) of whatever their local currency is...

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i know what do you mean but it is in Russia so their currency is convertible, and you can exchange it in your country and get the real value, there is no currency stealing like in those third world countries. (or like in my :)
and in my country one 13k jump costs about $40+ ,and you can not make high jumps so often because there is no planes which can get the altitude.>:(

if this is true i am never going to jump again in my country. it is cheaper to go there twice a year and make the jumps for the hole year then begging someone to drop you for 40$ or more. i am planing to go there with my friends and to make about 100 jumps or more.

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Here's THE website to look at if you're interested in prices and altitude! Feel free to update the prices if they are outdated or such


I understand your situation as well since I jump at a DZ that costs $45 USD to 10k in a 172 or 40min ride to altitude. Which is why its CHEAPER for me to do 100 jumps at Lodi PLUS the 21hr plane ride/ticket than to do 50 jumps here.
For info regarding lift ticket prices all around the world check out

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Well if you travel internationally you have to understand those cheap (or not so cheap) prices have to do with the exchange rate.

The prices change with the exchange rate, that's true but the price of a jump ticket has more to do with availability of resources like airplanes and fuel, and supply and demand in general.

If you take Greece for example, before they got the Euro they had the drachma. The exchange rate was good. It was a long time ago for me now, but if my memory serves me right one USD was something like 200-250 drachmas. However jumping was very expensive. Now they've got the euro, and one USD is 0.76 EUR, but jumping is still very expensive. Not because of the exchange rate, but because of other economic factors.

saxboy: your jump tickets might be expensive, but your country is beautiful. :)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQCovYgsphg

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Well if you travel internationally you have to understand those cheap (or not so cheap) prices have to do with the exchange rate.

The prices change with the exchange rate, that's true but the price of a jump ticket has more to do with availability of resources like airplanes and fuel, and supply and demand in general.

If you take Greece for example, before they got the Euro they had the drachma. The exchange rate was good. It was a long time ago for me now, but if my memory serves me right one USD was something like 200-250 drachmas. However jumping was very expensive. Now they've got the euro, and one USD is 0.76 EUR, but jumping is still very expensive. Not because of the exchange rate, but because of other economic factors.

saxboy: your jump tickets might be expensive, but your country is beautiful. :)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQCovYgsphg

Yes you have right...!!
Greece is very beautiful country...that's why everybody wants to destroy us...>:(>:(
But...back to the post....I think it's time starting base jumping...Without a job for almost a year...it's difficult to spend 35-40 euros...for jumps..[:/]

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yea, you're right. that was something what i was planing to do. but for that you need to travel a lot, and the unfortune is that the best countries in Europe for base jumping are the most expencest ones. btw. my country is maybe in just a little bit better position, but soon it will reach the bottom. With our standad it is impossible to have some serious skydiving.

Lets get back on the topic. Does anyone have some more information about DZ Kasimovo and Sky Roads - Samara and its supposed extra cheap tickets (7-10$ for 10-13k) ??? is it a mistake or what??'

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The website linked to for the Kasimovo one on my www.jumpticketprices.com website is here: http://skydiving.ru/

I don't know russian, so not sure how helpful that will be. According to my site the current jump ticket price is 580 Rubles, which is about $19. Although that 580 Rubles prices was last updated 3 years ago.

I think it is quite likely that the dropzone.com price for that DZ may be out of date. the ones on my site were more likely done by people who go to the dropzones.

In 2009 it had a huge surge of traffic from Russia over a week or so period, which is when most of the dzs were added to the database, but others have been updated more recently.

Thanks for the links from everyone else to the site. Glad you all find it useful.
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