
Building Skills

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Right now I have about 65 jumps, and I am trying to build my RW skills. What is the best way to proceed from this point on? Should I be focused on coaching, tunnel time, or something else. Any help would be greatly appreciated
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Get some coached tunnel time and your skills will shoot through the roof. When I say coached time I'm talking about getting help from people like Dan BC or his calibre. A good coach will progress you very quickly and correct mistakes inmediately in the tunnel. Hope this helps.
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if you have the money I'd recommend a tunnel camp, Airspeed runs some awesome ones and I've heard a lot of positive feedback about the ones at Perris. www.tunnelcamp.com has some info for ya.

As someoen else recommended a world class coach will do wonders for you, and it's extremely motivating to fly with someone like that. Makes you want to be able to do the same.

good luck
History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.
--Dwight D. Eisenhower

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You have great resources at Elsinore and nearby at Perris. I'd recommend doing a little coached tunnel time & jumping. There are many good coaches in the area, but I've always had a great time with Pat McGowan. I'll PM you his email address. This will help you with the basics and allow you to practice these when you jump with others.

The second step to getting better is jumping regularly with others that have similarly focussed goals. If you can get a group together to jump one day a month, excellent. If they're all better than you, so much the better!

Have fun & welcome to the sport :)

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The second step to getting better is jumping regularly with others that have similarly focussed goals. If you can get a group together to jump one day a month,


Something along those lines, if your group only wants to get together say one day a monthfind someone that wants to go every weekend and do tons of 2 ways. Having the same person to jump with every weekend will help. I love 2 ways, you can work on a hell of a lot;)

History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.
--Dwight D. Eisenhower

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