Old School Photo Editing

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My dad was just telling me about Ansel Adams who was basically doing a lot of the stuff we take for granted in photoshop in an actual darkroom, well before digital photography was even a thought in someone's mind.
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My dad was just telling me about Ansel Adams who was basically doing a lot of the stuff we take for granted in photoshop in an actual darkroom, well before digital photography was even a thought in someone's mind.

OK that makes me feel old. I learnt to develop and "enhance" (dodge and burn) my own shots in a B+W darkroom - I'm only 37 so color photography and 1 hr processing were the norm, but it was a lot of fun and taught me even more.

I am however nowhere near as
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Thanks for posting!

I think a lot of people don't realize that photo editing existed (extensively)before the existence of "evil" Photoshop. I had one person tell me they wish people would just use pictures right of the camera, like Ansle Adams did before the days of photoshop.... clearly having no idea that he was a great photographer, but even more skilled with the Photoshop (dark room) of the day.

"The negative is comparable to the composer's score, and the print to it's performance. Each performance differs in subtle ways" A. Adams

Also a good view if you like this type of history- http://petapixel.com/2011/04/05/a-tour-of-ansel-adams-darkroom/

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